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The Triumphant Gateway for all things T.M.G: Video's, MP3's, Press Releases, Interviews and More!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

DJ JG - "The Main Event" Round 1

Triumphant Music Group Presents: DJ JG - "The Main Event" Round 1. The first installment of his 12 Round Mixtape Series. With a New Round scheduled to be released at the top of EVERY month in 2012! This looks to be exactly what "Main Event" fans have been waiting for!! Round 1 features all original Songs produced by DJ JG with various HOT new artist from Baltimore and the DMV area. MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY RIGHT NOW!!! #ToBeTriumphant

Sunday, January 1, 2012

To Be Triumphant© Commercial #1 - KESSINO

Triumphant Music Group Presents the first of the "To Be Triumphant" Commercial Series. Featuring C.E.O/Artist "KESSINO". In this creative visual "KESSINO" defines the very meaning of the word Triumphant and what exactly the word means to him. We at T.M.G hope that you WATCH, LISTEN, and ENJOY!! #ToBeTriumphant @KESSINO

A Count3r Coultur3 Production
Directed, Edited, Narrated, Music Composed By: @KESSINO
for Triumphant Music Group. Inc