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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Mighty Om Presents: Guru and the Gangster

Creator of the ingenious web comic “Guru and the Gangster” uses illustrations to brings his lyrics to life!!

What goes together better than peanut butter and chocolate? How about hip hop and comics? Initially William Parrish (Musician and Illustrator) traveled to Spain to study economics in Granada. Instead he found himself pursuing his dreams, meeting and recording with Canyon Cody, Fulbright Scholar and C.E.O. of Gnawledge Records. For most musicians creation stops when the music is recorded. This project, however, took a unique twist. Mr. Parrish, who performs under the stage name Mighty Om, decided to illustrate his music.

“I created the album to speak to people around the world, but I realized that the music needed something special. After reviewing the album I realized what that something was… I needed to turn the lyrics into pictures. That way a person’s native language would not be a barrier to understanding.” The result was “Guru and the Gangster”, a music video illustrated by “Mighty Om”. “Before making music I had been a visual artist, so it was natural for me to take a song and illustrate it verse by verse.”

Mr. Parrish’s mixtape “Grind Daily” was for released February 7th, 2010, with a full length album to follow this summer.
After creating the web comic Mr.Parrish co-founded Hyrogliphics, LLC, a social enterprise in Baltimore, Md that uses art and music to educate and entertain.

For more information visit:

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